
The HDL (Immuno-Hematological Laboratorium Database) is a laboratory management system designed for handling incoming patient samples and storing the resulting data for various analyses. The system also handles printout of labels for test tubes and worksheets for setting up the experiments. The clinicians review the results in the database and write the conclusions which are then printed in a report.

The main analyses methods used are Flowcytometry and Realtime quantitative PCR.

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Sample registration.

When samples arrive, the patient is registered in the system, if not already known. The raw samples are the registered and the system assigns a sample id. The sample material (Blood, Bone marrow …) is registered and the hospital / department that has ordered the analyses.


On the underlying level the derived samples are registered, such as mRNA / cDNA purifications from the raw sample, and the sample id is post fixed with the letter code of the derived type. There are also optional fields for entering data like concentrations and sample quality. These fields are not fixed and can be edited by all users. It is possible to indicate if a sample is derived from another derived sample, e.g. cDNA is made from the mRNA sample.


In this way all changes and states of a sample is tracked and given a unique sample id which is referred in the subsequent analysis.


The resulting data for the reply reports are entered under the patient where relevant information from the sample or samples tested is also shown. The images are generated from the flowcytometri software and can be directly copy/pasted into the database.


Typically different sample materials contribute to the report as shown here and the samples are chosen by referring to the sample table. A description of the sample analysis can also be written here.

The antibodies mixtures used to stain the cells are grouped into panels and these are tied to the sample that was stained. From the antibody mixtures different cell populations can be described based on there staining as can be seen in the bottom of the image. All lookups are connected so that only the relevant selections are shown based on the previous choice.


Real-time PCR.

Another aspect of the system is the capability to register and store data from the real-time PCR analysis. Only raw data is stored in the system and the results are calculated at report time. The data is imported directly from the PCR-instrument data files through the import module in LDB Desktop and the filename is stored to enable data trace. Again the sample is chosen from the samples table. There are two different ways to quantify expression levels. One is to refer to an initial diagnostic sample and the other is to refer to at standard curve dataset. Different factors can be set to adjust the calculations.


In the bottom the individual data points are shown with indication of the primer/target gene and the corresponding multiplication value. For standard curve the quantity is also given.


The database also contains a freezer catalogue that tracks the location for the different samples and derived samples in the freezer.



The following contains some examples of the reports generated by the system.




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